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  • Make a time travel and experience Berlin 1928 and 2015 (Source:
  • Shipping in the world's oceans in the year 2012 (Source:
  • A screenshot of Hamburg's field strength (Source:
  • Every shot of Basketball superstar Kobe Bryant (Source:
  • To find the most effective way between different cities, a good map is not enough (Source:


Big Ships, Big People, Big Cities – Our Top 5

Watch how many cargo ships are crossing the oceans every day. Check out whether your city has a low or high-frequency range. See Kobe Bryant’s genius of 20 years in the National Basketball Association on a map. Discover Berlin from the point of view of your grandparents compared to today. Read our top 5 links of the week.

Enormous ship traffic

Tens of thousands giant cargo ships are moving around the world’s oceans. This interactive map shows the movement of the worldwide commercial shipping fleet of 2012, based on hundreds of millions individually recorded positions. Colouring the ships by category shows the flows of the modern economy in more detail – check it out

The radiation in your city

Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays and therefore almost everyone needs a well functioning network. The field map shows the field strength for the high-frequency range, this includes in particular mobile radio fields. Find your city and see where the field strength is low or high.

Every shot of Kobe Bryant

Kobe Bryant is one of the world’s famous basketball players from the USA. During his career, he fired up more than 30,000 shots, including the regular season and playoffs. Follow the link and take a tour of key shots over his 20-year career. Explore all 30,699 shots.

Berlin, in the past and today

The newspaper “Tagesspiegel” created a map where you can compare Berlin in the years 1928 and 2015. You can take a tour and learn more about the changes of the known hubs or explore the map by yourself. Even more exciting views are visible while zooming into the map.  

Traveling Salesman Problem

Finding the shortest route between eight cities can be very complicated (– there are more than 5000 ways!); this is the so-called Traveling Salesman Problem. It takes strategy to choose the right route. This video visualizes the Traveling Salesman Problem and shows a reasonable solution.