Knowing your customers means doing better business
Many retailers already have an immense body of data. Yet not all of them systematically exploit the enormous potential that this data offers. Such as delivering valuable insights into business processes and information on how customers behave when making purchases.
Customer data is the key for an improved shopping experience: fewer frictional losses, increased convenience, tailored services and a high level of personalization throughout the purchasing process. Location intelligence, combined with the now abundantly available operational and customer data, allow retailers to increase their efficiency. And their customers an easier and more individual purchasing experience than ever before.

Our services for stationery retailers
- Optimization of the checkouts of online stores: minimization of aborted purchases thanks to rapid checkout; automatic completion and checking of address data for reliable address quality from the outset
- Store & dealer locator, product finder: Maps showing nearest branch or dealer and shortest route for free choice of transport mode, as well as store branches in which specific products are available in stock

Our Google solutions for retailers
- Comprehensive access to data and content from Google via the Google Maps Platform including Google address data, local businesses data and routing for entirely new and diverse applications
- Google Cloud as the basic infrastructure for app development plus data gathering and processing
- Google Maps for local data content and for creating location-based applications