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a visualization of Hamburg's public transport ines and stops


Tutorial: Visualize your own location data with Data-driven styling for datasets

How to get big data on a map in a matter of minutes

Do you have a dataset with location data that you want to put on the map? With Google's Data-driven styling for datasets, this is now easier than ever. In this tutorial, our developer Katherina Marcenko shows you how to visualize your own data on an interactive map – with just a few lines of code.

Das Bild zeigt Katherina Marcenko und einige ihrer Ubilabs-Kollegen auf der Google I/O

Katherina Marcenko (2nd from left), Kat for short, has been a frontend developer at Ubilabs since 2019. Together with her team, she works mainly on projects for Google and co-developed the official demo for Google's Data-driven styling feature.

Putting Hamburg's public transport on the map

In our tutorial, Kat shows you how easy it is to visualize your own data set with data-driven styling using public transport data from Hamburg as an example. You can download the data here.* Now follow the next 10 steps to put the data on the map. All you have to do is upload the data to the Google Cloud Console and style it; most of the visualization work is done by Google's Data-driven styling feature.

Tutorial shortcuts

  1. Create GCP project
  2. Enable APIs
  3. Create API key
  4. Create dataset
  5. Create map style
  6. Create map ID
  7. Associate map style
  8. Set up Google Map
  9. Connect data
  10. Style data
  11. The result

1. Create GCP project

Login or sign up in Google Cloud Platform. Select an existing project or a create a new one.

Projektübersicht in der Google Cloud Konsole
Project overview in Google Cloud Console
Google Cloud Console

2. Enable APIs

In order to start using the GMP services, you need to enable the Maps Dataset API as well as the Maps JavaScript API. You can do this either on the overview page or by navigating to "APIs & Services" and selecting the relevant APIs from the list.

Übersicht der verfügbaren Google APIs in Google Maps Platform
Overview of available Google APIs in Google Maps Platform

3. Create API key

Create a Google Maps API key via “Keys & Credentials” → “Create credentials” → “API key”. The API key is a unique ID that authenticates the use of your map. Review best practices on API and application restrictions for maximum security.

Ansicht der Konsole nach erfolgreicher Erstellung des API Keys
Successful creation of an API key
Video: How to generate and restrict API keys for Google Maps Platform Documentation: API security best practices

4. Create dataset

Now you can create the dataset. For our tutorial we provide you with two datasets for public transport in Hamburg here – one for the public transport lines, one for the stops.*

If you have saved the datasets locally, navigate to "Google Maps Platform" → "Datasets" and click on "Create dataset" to upload the datasets individually. Give the datasets a name before uploading. We will name our example datasets "Public Transport Lines" and "Public Transport Stops".

Important information about the datasets that you can visualize with Data-driven styling:

  • The data must be in KML, GeoJSON, JSON or CSV format.
  • The dataset must be no larger than 350 MB (at least while Data-driven styling is still in the preview phase).
  • The name you give to the dataset must be unique.

Once the upload of a dataset is complete, you can check its status. If there are any error messages, they will be displayed automatically.

Ansicht der Konsole nach erfolgreichem Upload eines Datensatzes
Console view after successfully uploading a dataset

If you click on the data, you can also see a preview of how they will look on the map. The screenshot shows a preview of our dataset "Public Transport Lines".

Preview der Darstellung eines Datensatzes
Preview of a dataset
Documentation: Create a dataset

5. Create map style

In the next step you can create your map style. Go to "Google Maps Platform" → "Map Styles" →" Create Map Style" and choose the default map style or create your own style in the style editor. In our example we use the style "Grey".

Übersicht der verfügbaren Map Style Varianten in der Cloud Konsole
Overview of the available map style variations
Documentation: Manage map styles Documentation: Map Style Editor walkthrough

6. Create map ID

Now create a map ID via "Google Maps Platform" → "Map Management" → "Create Map ID". You need the map ID to connect your map with your map style and your dataset. Enter the following information about your map: a name (in our example we use "Public Transport"), an optional description, and the map type (must be JavaScript). Then select the option "Vector", because only vector map IDs work with Data-driven styling.

Beim Erstellen der Map ID müssen die wichtigsten Informationen zur Karte hinterlegt werden.
When creating a map ID, you have to enter information about your map

Once the map ID is created, you need to associate it with your map style.

Der Map ID muss ein Map Style zugewiesen werden.
The map ID must be associated with a map style.
Documentation: Use Map IDs

7. Associate map style

Now you need to associate your map ID and map style with your datasets so that your data is connected to the correct map. To do this, go to a dataset, click on the preview, scroll down a bit and select your map style via "Add Map Style". Click on "Save" to link your dataset.

Wähle den Map Style aus, den du mit deinem Datensatz verknüpfen willst.
Choose the map style that you want to associate with your dataset

8. Set up Google Map

Now you can add your datasets to your application.

For this, create a Google Map and add your API key to the script tag. Note: Since Data-driven styling is currently still in beta, your script tag must also indicate this. You also need to specify a callback function that will create the map when the API is loaded. Add the initMap function for this:

<script src="<YOUR_API_KEY>&callback=initMap&v=beta"></script>

Now add a div element to your HTML where your map should be rendered. Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div element that contains the map.

  #map { height: 800px; }

  <div id="map"></div>

Now add the initMap function to your code and create a Google Map. Add the map ID to the map options.

function initMap() {
  // The location of Hamburg
  const position = { lat: 53.566, lng: 9.991 };

  const map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('map'), {
    zoom: 10,
    center: position,
    mapId: '<YOUR-MAPID>',
Documentation: Create a simple map

9. Connect data

Now create the dataset feature layers to be able to display your data on the map. In our example, we add the dataset IDs of our two datasets containing data on the public transport lines and stops in Hamburg.

const transportLinesId = <YOUR-LINES-DATASET-ID>;
const transportStopsId = <YOUR-STOPS-DATASET-ID>;

const linesLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(transportLinesId);
const stopsLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(transportStopsId);

10. Style data

Use the style option to style your datasets. You can also style the data using the FeatureStyleFunction based on the attributes of each feature. In our example we have defined the color, size, and opacity of the public transport lines and stops. = {
  strokeColor: '#FF6E78',
  strokeWeight: 2,
  strokeOpacity: 1,
}; = {
  fillColor: '#5A78FA',
  fillOpacity: 1,
  pointRadius: 2,
Documentation: The feature style function

The result: Hamburg's public transport network on an interactive map

Voila! The result is an interactive map of your data, styled according to your requirements. Our example shows the public transport lines in Hamburg in a red shade and the stops in a blue shade on a grey Google Map – in only 10 steps and with a few lines of code.

  • Hamburg's public transport lines and stops on a grey Google map
  • Hamburg's public transport lines and stops on a grey Google map

*The datasets are GTFS timetable data of the HVV from August 2023 to December 2023. We obtained the data from Hamburg's transparency portal (where you can also find information on the license) and converted it to geojson format. Our datasets are available for download here.

Learn more about Data-driven styling for datasets

Documentation: Data-driven styling for datasets Our official DDS demo

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