Ubilabs proudly hosts the Open Data Day in Hamburg
The fourth annual Open Data Day will take place on Saturday, the 5th of March 2016. It is an open event that aims to bring together people around the world, to discuss, hack and promote open data. Ubilabs will host the event in Hamburg that is organized by Code for Hamburg.
Data liberation, new applications and visualizations: The Open Data Day is the perfect event to develop and discuss ideas to detect the potential of data, without any boundaries. This worldwide event will also take place in eight cities in Germany. Of course Hamburg must not be missing. This year Code for Hamburg organizes the international open data hackathon & workshops day on March 5, with focus on interactive maps and data visualization. What could be more natural than Ubilabs as a host of the event. As a distributor of Google maps licensesand specialist related to data visualization and interactive map application, we do not only provide the location, but also enrich the event with input in the field of maps application, data visualization and an introduction in our location intelligence tool ATLAS. On top we provide coffee, food and drinks.
We are looking forward to a day full of exciting lectures, interesting workshops and many creative projects. Participation is for free and open to everybody. Please note, for organizational reasons the number of participants is limited. Find further information about the event and registration here.