One year, 365 days, 72 kilos of coffee and billions of map loads: The year 2022 was another exciting one for us. Here we show some of our highlights in a cross-section of events, projects and special occasions.
Team & Events
15 years of Ubilabs - and every year it remains exciting! This year was not only an anniversary year for us, we also finally experienced events "in real" again and sat together as a team "on site". From the hermits behind the monitor, we again became small groups that swarmed through the office on a daily basis, to the very large group appearances at team events and excursions.
Customer Events
The year was marked by exciting talks and personal interactions with customers in workshops and at events! Among these highlights were:
- The invitation to the Leader's Circle from Google
- Presentation at the esa Colocation meeting
- Presentation at the DevFest Hamburg about Accessible Maps
- Data workshops for the fire department and GIZ
- Google Partner booth at the Cloud Expo
- and much more
Topics that moved us
From geo-based location tools for the Dusseldorf fire department to prototypes for intelligent traffic control and climate observations by esa - we were once again involved in many projects and topics:

Our year in numbers:
- 4 "Ubilabs" babies have seen the light of day
- 3 dogs now occasionally visit our office
- 14 hours in a row lasted the longest game
- 72 kilos of coffee we drank
- Ubilabs turned 15 years old - by the way, all of us together are 1,363 years old!
- 30,044 messages were posted in Slack channels and on top of that 118,602 direct messages were sent
- 455,820 emails were received, 29,276 emails were sent
- 1,222,317,113 map loads registered
We would like to thank all our customers, partners and companions for this exciting year! We are very much looking forward to shaping the coming year again together with you and with you!
Do you already have ideas, suggestions or questions for the coming year? Do you want to get started in the coming year? We are happy to help!