Density: new findings from scatter diagrams
Companies have never had as much data about their customers, processes, markets, and products as they do today. The amount and diversity is increasing every day – and many companies do not know how to analyze this data in a profitable manner. The same is true for publicly available data. In particular, data with a direct spatial relationship contains valuable information. If this data is added to a map, a new understanding of the connections arises. The information gained is even greater when additional levels are included, such as a temporal reference. It is particularly productive to combine and analyze various types of data with Density.
The heat map tool density enables real-time analysis
In essence, a heat map is a visual representation of density using certain characteristics. Our heat map tool Density is an interactive analysis tool that can be used to visually represent and analyze company data in relation to coordinates. We developed Heatmap as a modular application that can be adapted to meet individual customer needs. The point data collected by the company is plotted on a map. Depending on what the company wants to analyze, various criteria can be used to filter the data: reporting periods can be restricted, and the user can define various display features. Controllers allow the data to be changed dynamically and to assess it as and when needed.
Optimize your business areas using the heat map
The added value of Density can be seen in the following example: the management of a car-sharing provider wanted to better understand the behavior and needs of its users.
By analyzing the data, the company was able to optimize its business area. As a result, customers received a better service – and the company was able to leverage previously untapped potential.
Represent freely accessible data on a map
Even publicly accessible data – such as Twitter content – can be used as the basis for more in-depth analyses. For example, with the help of the Heatmap the popularity of selected locations at certain times can be filtered out, which can allow, say, real estate managers to draw valuable conclusions. Another example is the representation of San Francisco police data on an interactive map as a way to prevent violence. It is clear that in certain areas a greater police presence is needed at different times of day.