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  • Lunch with a view: Lunch break at React Alicante 2018 was definitely something else.
  • That’s a conference venue you don’t see every day: React Alicante took place directly at the beach.
  • Our two Philipps thoroughly enjoyed the React conference in beautiful Alicante.


React Alicante 2018: Our conference highlights

Spain sounds like summer, beach, and… React Alicante 2018! Our web developers Philipp Trunczik and Philipp Wambach attended the React conference. Fortunately, the great weather wasn’t the only reason they enjoyed their stay. Their conference highlights included slots on ReasonML and forms in React as well as a feel-good appeal to all attendees.

ReasonML workshop with Patrick Stapfer

Learning by doing still works: Patrick Stapfer @ryyppy once again proved this with his workshop on ReasonML. Based on OCaml, ReasonML is a programming language with modern, functional concepts that can be compiled to JavaScript. With that, we’re able to write more stable, faster code and can easily integrate the components written with ReasonML and ReasonReact into our existing apps.

How to handle forms in React front ends?

Difficult topic with two great solutions: Jared Palmer @jaredpalmer and Erik Rasmussen @erikras presented their approaches to creating and managing forms in React. Erik’s new library FinalForm, for example, is framework agnostic, can be extended with plug-ins, and has no dependencies. We are really looking forward to using the library for the next form that comes up.

Don’t fear the #FOMO

Save the best for last: Kristijan Ristovski @thekitze gave the perfect last talk of the conference and – in our humble opinion – should do so at every conference from now on. His feel-good talk "Navigating the hype-driven front-end development world without going insane" was an appeal to all conference attendees: Don’t get stressed out by the sheer amount of input and don’t feel like you’re missing out on something (#FOMO, i.e. "fear of missing out") if you don’t follow every hype instantly. Rather, find out what works best for you and your projects. A great piece of advice that we’ll take to heart.

Oh no, already over?

Our personal highlight was the conference itself and the goings-on around it. We loved mingling with such a diverse crowd (400 people from 39 nations) and enjoyed the great venue directly at the beach. A big thank you goes to Victoria Quirante @vicqr, Nacho Martín @nacmartin, and the rest of the organizing team!