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Screenshot Dealer Locator Continental

Create a holistic customer experience with Store Finder and Product Finder

Store finder, dealer locator and product availability information increase customer satisfaction and close the gap between e-commerce and retail stores.

With our tailored applications, retail businesses can effortlessly provide their customers with crucial information such as opening hours, ratings, locations, and product availability. This not only boosts customer satisfaction and enhances brand loyalty but also drives more foot traffic to physical stores. Additionally, businesses can significantly reduce service costs, as many customer inquiries are efficiently addressed through the application itself.

Utilizing the full potential in retail

In the inspiration phase before purchase, potential buyers seek seamless and informative experiences. Our store finder and product finder solutions enhance the customer journey, significantly increasing the likelihood of online-to-offline conversions.

With a locator application, your users can effortlessly find nearby stores, dealers, and specific products. This powerful solution bridges the gap between e-commerce and physical retail, guiding your customers from online browsing to in-store purchases.

Additionally, our solutions provide valuable insights by analyzing user tracking data. Understand where your customers are located during their searches and identify the most relevant products. This data empowers you to tailor your offerings and marketing strategies to better meet customer needs and preferences.

Displaying information about stores, services, and product availability can increase online-to-offline conversion by 10 percent.

"Unlocking Value with Location Intelligence" (October 2021), Study by Google via Boston Consulting Group
  • Screenshot Dealer Locator for Continental with Autocomplete
    Autocomplete makes the dealer search easier for our customer Continental
  • Screenshot Continental Dealer Locator Dealer Listing Location
    In addition to the address, the distance to the user location is also displayed in the dealer overview.
  • Screenshot PUMA Store Finder Store Details
    Our Store Finder for PUMA uses Places APIs to display reviews, opening hours, photos, and more.
  • Screenshot PUMA Store Finder - Store Overview
    The nearest stores are localized in the store overview and important information such as distance to the selected location is displayed.

Customized applications for the retail sector

Our Store Finder and Dealer Locator simplify the process for users to find the nearest store or retailer of your brand and view their locations on a map. The Product Finder feature allows customers to check product availability in specific stores, increasing trust in your brand and strengthening brand loyalty.

Our developers create these web-based applications tailored specifically to your needs, ensuring seamless integration with your existing system and data landscape. By making your locator a central component of your company's digital ecosystem, you can create synergies and streamline processes effectively.

Tailored user interface for data maintenance

Whether you need dealer, store, or product information, our user interface consolidates all essential data in one place. The admin backend acts as a single source of truth where all data converges. Through interfaces, data from both internal and external sources is seamlessly integrated and processed. For instance, you can merge internal data about your stores and retailers, such as addresses and opening hours, with Places data from Google Maps. Our system features simple rights management and an activity log to ensure the security of your data.

Map-based front end for the localization of stores, dealers, and products

Our applications feature a map-based front end that is individually tailored to your needs, ensuring seamless integration with your existing offerings. All information, such as addresses and opening hours, is displayed in a high-performance and visually appealing manner.

Utilizing various APIs and advanced filtering options for store attributes, we further enhance the customer experience. With just a few clicks, users can find routes to the nearest store or view user ratings directly within the application.

The Product Finder is integrated with our maps solution, enabling customers to locate stores and dealers where the desired product is in stock. Comprehensive information about the selected store is then displayed, providing a seamless and informative user experience.

Our expertise - your benefit

With our extensive expertise in spatial data analysis and visualization, combined with our experience in UI and UX development, we guarantee an exceptional application tailored to your specific use case:

  • As an independent technology partner, we collaborate with you to select the optimal tools and software solutions for your application.
  • Our applications integrate seamlessly into your existing systems and offer flexible expansion capabilities.
  • With endless customization options, we ensure seamless integration into your existing standards for branding, user experience, and user interface.
  • Our team of developers brings years of expertise in spatial data management, Google Cloud, and Google Maps. We are proud to have received numerous awards for our technical solutions with exceptional user interfaces.